Culturally Responsive
Why & how Renee teaches.
Critical & Reflective Thinkers
Students talk about their personal growth.
Curriculum Vitae
Previous Experience.
Renee believes teachers/facilitators/professors should:
Talk less & listen more
Facilitate inquiry-based learning & engage in critical thinking pedagogy
Be anti-racist & model feminism
Just be anti-oppressive, in general
Empower participants to be self-sustaining & self-leading
Provide space for self, group & systemic reflection
Create a safe environment that encourages learning & poses challenging opportunities to grow
Demystify the single story narrative by presenting material that investigates multiple narratives
Create art &/or expose students to art-making, as it is a significant tool that opens people up to creating change within themselves & their community
Renee works with schools, non-profit organizations, businesses, etc.
Renee has worked with: